Worthwhile Reads & Interesting Stuff 10
Hello Everyone to this Issue of Worthwhile Reads & Interesting Stuff!
Let’s get straight into it.
A tool that enhances language models, focusing on tasks like word prediction and generation.
Can AI automate computational reproducibility?
Examines whether AI can resolve the reproducibility crisis in computational science.
AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
Analyzes the risks companies face when relying too much on AI-generated code.
Programming and Development
Server Setup Basics
A beginner-friendly guide to setting up a basic server, touching on security, performance, and reliability.
Why GitHub Actually Won
A deep dive into GitHub’s dominance in the development community and what led to its success.
Netflix Adopts Virtual Threads: a Case Study on Performance and Pitfalls
Details how Netflix embraced virtual threads, highlighting performance gains and challenges.
Cruise ships chopped in half are a license to print money
A fascinating read on the engineering marvel of slicing cruise ships in half to extend them for greater passenger capacity.
This was this week’s list of worthwhile reads and interesting stuff, thanks for reading!
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